Wildflowers Abound

Often the penstemmons are blue to purple, but in '05 they were white and thick on the swamp. Thistle is a bad plant, but beautiful, by Ralph Seibert
A normal May sight is fields with Gaillardia and Lazy Daisy, interspersed.  It also is called Indian Blanket or Firewheel and occasionally comes in yellow.

Lazy Daisy, Indian Blanket and prickly pear are as pretty close up as in the above photos.

Dry tank beds turn purple with Tall Waterhemp at the XL.

Goat's Rue or devil's shoestring (Tephrosia virginiana) is not common in the Panhandle.   This was taken on the Swamp.  Roots contain rotenone.  Many medicinal values.

Trompillo or silver leaf nightshade grows in abundance throughout the Panhandle. In the fall, Gay Feather is scattered across the plains.

Wild poppy

Wild sunflowerws, bitterweed and Gaillardia

The fragile day flower. Milkweed

Catclaw sensitivebriar grows under Horsemint by the side of the road.

Pricklypear cactus
Catclaw mimosa Wild onion and orange mallow.
Common broomweed on the Exell. Echinacea, also known as Black Sampson or Purple Coneflower.

Antelope Horned Milkweed

Colorado Wildflowers, 2009 Colorado Wildflower Quilt, Texas wildlife, Turkey Study Hunting, Elk Hunting, JA Mule Deer & Aoudad,  Spring Turkey Hunt, Freeland's Wildflowers on JA

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